Sunday, April 15, 2007


Nothing much here. On Friday, I had one of my best friends, Nicole Madsen, spend the night. And on Saturday Lenzi had Hannah Beasley spend the night. On now it is Sunday, I have practice 2:00 'til 3:30. Well, Shannon, if you ever read this can you comment and tell me how to put pictures on her? Anyways, hope everyone is doing great, write more later!

Lexi Brewer

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hey Lexi,
I didn't know you had a blog! Okay, here goes..while making a post, there's a icon at the top that looks like a little picture (next to the check mark w/the abc). Click on should take you to another box. Click on the browse button. Pick out the picture from your files and click on download. If you have any problems, give me a call.