Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dale Hollow Lake

Hey Everyone! I just got back from Dale Hollow Lake, Tennesse! It was so much fun. I got $10.00 from Uncle Neil and Aunt Shannon combined. I got $5.00 from Uncle Neil for pushing Shannon off the boat and into the water. Then, I got $5.00 from Aunt Shannon for pushing Uncle Neil off of the TUBE and into the water! That was really fun! Then, Lenzi and I both recieved $50.00 dollars each for writing so good in our journal that Grandpa gave us. The deal was that we had to write our favorite part of the day and our worst part of the day, everyday. And however write the best got $50.00. Grandpa said that both of ours were very good so he gave us both $50.00! So I got $60.00 total while on my vacation, but that money is going into buying me new locker stuff for my FIRST LOCKER! I am so happy to finally be able to have a locker and to finally be in Junior High! By the way, I am now I Junior High Cheerleader! Our squad is really really good and we are having a bake sale and a car wash, but I forget when it is! Oh and one more thing, our cheer squad is going onto a dance competion! I am so happy! Well, i write tomorrow! Maybe and hopefully, I am babysitting tomorrow (at my dad's) Lenzi is helping though. It is one of my dad's friends 2 daughter's. One is 2 years old and the other one is 5 months old. I called the month old and Lenzi gets stuck with a 2 year old. Which she thinks won't be very hard because her B-F-F across the street is a little 2 year old named Kenzley Jeffers! My B-F-F's little adopted sister.

Love ya'll,

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